After a storied 45-year career—including the last 30 with RVE— Richard Czekanski, PE, CME, BCEE, Senior Associate, is…
Richard Czekanski, PE, CME, BCEE, Senior Associate, recently presented an American Academy of Environmental Engineers…
RVE welcomes Michael Messina as our new Chief Financial Officer. Mike will be taking over CFO responsibilities from…
After 32 years of serving as RVE’s CFO, Mark Grizer is preparing for his retirement—and we are happy to share that he…
RVE has extensive experience providing grant and loan program coordination services to our clients. We assist them with…
The Design Build Traffic Control Plan (DBTCP) concept, a recent innovation from the Pennsylvania State Transportation…
RVE recently attended the ribbon cutting for the replacement of Bucks County Bridge No. 45. The bridge is a concrete…
RVE recently attended the ribbon cutting for the new Washington Township fire station. The existing fire station…
RVE recently ranked number 260 in the Engineering News-Record 2022 Top 500 Design Firms List, up 15 spots from last…