KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Traffic Engineering Firm

RVE evaluates and designs traffic signal systems, intersection geometry, preparation and review of traffic impact statements, traffic control, signage, striping and trip generation analysis and microsimulation. Our professionals regularly perform traffic impact studies by gathering and analyzing traffic data to develop sound, cost-effective designs. Our engineers offer specialized expertise in the evaluation and design of intersections and traffic signal systems to accommodate present and future traffic volumes.

Services include:

  • Traffic impact studies and analysis
  • Parking studies
  • Traffic calming
  • Traffic signal evaluation
  • Traffic signal system design
  • Traffic control plans
  • Pedestrian circulation plans
  • Noise and air quality analysis

Our Services

Our professional staff includes experts in the major areas of engineering required to support capital facilities and infrastructure improvements, land use planning and redevelopment, tax map maintenance, GIS database, environmental support services, resident engineering, construction inspection, owner’s representation, program management, technical and administrative support services.

Contact Us

RVE has grown to more than 450 employees in offices throughout the middle and south Atlantic regions of the United States. Get in touch today to find out about our services or career opportunities.