KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Stelton Road Improvements

About The Project

RVE provided professional engineering services for the development of contract plans and specifications for the Improvements to Stelton Road from New Durham Road to Melrose Avenue, Piscataway Township and South Plainfield Borough, Middlesex County, New Jersey. The project included the modification of traffic signals at the intersection of Stelton Road and Haines Avenue and Stelton Road and School Street to be part of the County’s Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS). These two signals are not being replaced but there is an effort to bring the signal into compliance with the current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), replacement of camera, heads, controller cabinet and rewiring of the signal. RVE provided land and right-of-way surveying, preparation of complete general property map and individual property maps, metes and bounds descriptions, roadway geometric design, traffic signal design, ADA compliance for the project pavement thickness design report, soil investigation and subsurface exploration report, utility investigations and agreements, roadway drainage calculations and design report, various approvals and/or permits and contract specifications. RVE also provided Construction administration services for the project. This phase of the project included construction observation/inspection services, materials, supply and testing services, shop drawing/work drawing review and approval and documentation of activities (contractor and consultant) acceptable to NJDOT and the County. RVE attends monthly progress meetings with the County, maintains the project schedule, coordinates subconsultant activity, and prepares monthly progress reports.

Project Gallery

All equipment was replaced at the intersection of New Durham Road and Stelton Road.

The project included the modification of traffic signals at the intersection of Stelton Road and Haines Avenue and Stelton Road and School Street to be part of the County’s ATMS.