LTMUA Water Reclamation Facilities Expansion Project Featured in Wastewater Digest Magazine

The Logan Township MUA (LTMUA) 0.50 MGD Water Reclamation Facilities Expansion project was recently featured in a Plant Profile in Wastewater Digest Magazine. RVE provided design engineering and material shop drawing review services for this project, which received the 2021 Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science (E3S) Awards Grand Prize (Design Category) from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES).

When the project was designed, the facility’s average daily flow was within the 2.0 MGD rating at 1.1 MGD, but LTMUA representatives knew industrial parks within the Township were being rapidly developed along with an influx of wastewater flow from nearby Woolwich Township. Within the industrial parks were warehouses and food processing facilities which discharged wastewater with pollutant characteristics of higher concentrations than average wastewater.

Check out the article here to read more about RVE's unique solution, which met the needs of the LTMUA’s service area, permitting ongoing development and economic growth.