KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Water Treatment Plant Improvements

About The Project

RVE provided support services for various improvement projects for the Borough of Phoenixville's Public Water System including the 4.0 MGD Water Treatment Plant. Water Treatment Plant improvements involved a new filter control system, SCADA system upgrades, modifications to high service pumps operations, flocculation and sedimentation tank improvements, a new sludge collection system, filter valve and actuator replacements, new alum feed system, ammonium sulfate feed system relocation, and an on-site sodium hypochlorite generation, storage, and feed system. The Finished Water Reservoir Floating Cover Replacement involved the replacement of floating geomembrane covers on two existing ground-level finished water reservoirs with nominal capacities of 3 MG and 6 MG. The Lane Avenue Standpipe Improvements Project involved the repainting of the 1.37 MG welded steel standpipe. In addition, the project included the installation of a solar-powered mixing system to improve water quality and modifications to the existing ladder system in accordance with OSHA regulations.

Project Gallery

RVE's involvement in the projects began with the value engineering phase, which included an assessment regarding the feasibility, constructability and level of necessity for scheduled improvements.

This phase culminated with the preparation of preliminary plans, which incorporated recommended designs arrived at through the value engineering process together with updated construction cost estimates.

Final designs were prepared for each of the preliminary projects approved by the Borough. The final design phase included all remaining work necessary to generate complete sets of plans and specifications of all water system improvements. The final design was performed in accordance with the modified scopes of work refined through the value engineering phase.


Our Services

Our professional staff includes experts in the major areas of engineering required to support capital facilities and infrastructure improvements, land use planning and redevelopment, tax map maintenance, GIS database, environmental support services, resident engineering, construction inspection, owner’s representation, program management, technical and administrative support services.

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RVE has grown to more than 450 employees in offices throughout the middle and south Atlantic regions of the United States. Get in touch today to find out about our services or career opportunities.