KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Water & Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project Phase 7B

About The Project

Like many urban centers in the United States, Jersey City’s water and sewer services are served by infrastructure which is approaching the end of its useful life. RVE is providing survey, engineering design, bid and construction administration services for the rehabilitation of their water and sewer mains on various streets in Jersey City at approximately 50 locations. Support services are being provided during the feasibility and design development phase, permitting and New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust loan application and the bidding and construction administration phases of the project. Water system improvements include replacing approximately 17,698 FT of 6-inch cast iron water distribution mains with new eight-inch diameter ductile iron, cement lined pipe. The replacement includes the installation of a parallel main, abandonment of the existing main, and the transfer of existing services to the new main. Sewer System Improvements include the replacement of 14,505 FT of vitrified clay pipe or brick ranging in various sizes and shapes, including the removal and replacement of sanitary sewer laterals and cleanouts.

Project Gallery

The most significant parts of all the JCMUA projects are working in a heavily traveled urban environment and the presence of contaminated soils and groundwater

Every JCMUA project involves one of our in-house Licensed Site Remediation Professionals (LSRPs)

LSRPs establish the concentration of contaminants and the proper structuring of the bid documents to effectively and efficiently handle the contaminated soils.