KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Water Main, Sewer and Stormwater Capital Program

About The Project

RVE provides general engineering services to the City of Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) for the water main, sewer, and storm water infrastructure capital replacement program to supplement the in-house engineering staff and provide expertise when and where required. Under this contract, RVE is tasked with surveying locations, preparing base plans, preparing design plans to relay water mains, relocate sanitary sewers, and install Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) stormwater management practices (SMPs). Ancillary to this scope, RVE designs ADA ramps where impacted by water, sewer, and GSI work and prepares roadway grading design plans when full-width street reconstruction is required. RVE designs projects in accordance with the PWD Water and Sewer Design Manual, Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Guidelines, Stormwater Management Guidance Manual, and the City’s Stormwater Management Regulations. RVE is also responsible for utility coordination, preparation of technical specifications, stormwater management calculations with final design report and drainage areas maps, project quantities, and construction cost estimates.

Project Gallery

To date, RVE has designed approximately four miles of water main, three miles of sanitary sewer, 40 ADA ramps, 20 Stormwater Management Practices and 10 roadway reconstructions.

This work has been designed in various neighborhoods in Philadelphia and RVE coordinated with every utility located in the city including road opening permits and traffic control planning.

Coordination with various agencies including PennDOT, PADEP, Philadelphia Streets Department, SEPTA, Verizon, Comcast and Philadelphia Gas Works, PECO Electric