KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Water Main Lining (Annual Program)

About The Project

In 2016, the Township of Falls Authority (TOFA) had issues with the tuberculated cast iron water mains in the distribution system. The tuberculation caused water quality issues and pressure issues for firefighting purposes. TOFA tried directional flushing and pigging to resolve these issues as replacing the water mains was too expensive and disruptive to the residents via open-cut replacement. TOFA has 6”, 8” and 12” cast iron pipe in its distribution system. RVE recommended a multi-year water main lining program to eliminate the cast iron pipe in the system. The first project entailed cement mortar lining of 10,000 LF of 6” tuberculated cast iron water main. Temporary water service was provided above ground using 2” and 4” water mains laid along the gutters of the roadway. Properties were connected to the temporary water service via hose bibs. In addition to the water main lining, hydrants were replaced with some sidewalk, curb, and paving restoration work. The project took 4 months to complete with a final construction cost of $938,540. The next three phases included water main lining via epoxy liner.

Project Gallery

RVE recommended water main lining as a more cost-effective alternative because it is a trenchless rehabilitation method with little disruption to the affected residents.

As of 2021, TOFA has cleaned and lined more than 26,000 LF of 6” and 8” mains.

RVE assisted TOFA in successfully obtaining a $215,036 PA Small Water and Sewer Grant for the 2020 Water Main Lining Project.

ACEC/PA Diamond Award for the 2016 Water Main Lining Project


Our Services

Our professional staff includes experts in the major areas of engineering required to support capital facilities and infrastructure improvements, land use planning and redevelopment, tax map maintenance, GIS database, environmental support services, resident engineering, construction inspection, owner’s representation, program management, technical and administrative support services.

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