KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Utility Complex Solar Array

About the Project

RVE was retained by the Borough of Lansdale to provide professional engineering services for the Utility Complex Solar Array Installation project. The Borough of Lansdale received grant funding through the PA Solar Energy Program to install a new 500 kW solar array at the Lansdale Utility Complex, which includes the Borough’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The project also included the replacement of the existing electrical substation serving the WWTP, which had reached the end of its service life. RVE assisted with the successful grant application and then provided engineering design, bidding and construction management services for the project. Through this $3.5M project, the Borough was able to install 26 new dual-axis solar arrays and replace the electrical substation for the WWTP. The new electrical substation includes a new switchgear with a walk-in enclosure, draw-out breakers, lightning arrestors, transformer, metering, and SCADA monitoring. During the construction, RVE coordinated the work between the contractor, Borough Electrical Department and the Borough’s SCADA consultant. Customized SCADA controls were implemented for the project to allow manual override control of all 26 dual-axis trackers to facilitate mowing.

Dual-axis solar arrays were selected since their foundations could avoid the large number of underground utilities and provide adequate clearance for future operation and maintenance activities at the WWTP, while maximizing the renewable energy generated by the project

To control project costs, the project leveraged the capabilities of the Borough’s Electrical Department to complete key electrical tasks, including new primary power electrical feeds.

The dual-axis solar array is one of the largest of its kind in Pennsylvania.