KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Lakewood Solid Waste Transfer Station

About The Project

RVE is providing engineering design services for the Township of Lakewood Solid Waste Transfer Station, to be located on the ground of the Lakewood Public Works Complex. The purpose of the project is to design and permit a 7,200+/- square foot permanent pre-engineered metal building for storage of solid waste, prior to transfer to the Township’s landfill. The project is necessary for compliance with the NJDEP Technical Manual for Solid Waste Transfer Station/Material Recovery Facility Permits and Approval; and for a permit from the NJDEP Bureau of Hazardous Waste and Transfer Facilities. RVE proposed a two-story facility that will accommodate a 60’ x 120’ prefabricated building and 200 tons per day facility. Scope of services include planning review; solid waste data review and pre-application meeting; preliminary and final design including survey, civil/site, geotechnical, structural, MEP, traffic, planning board approval, facilities/layout assistance/water and wastewater, and operations and maintenance; preparation and submittal of various permits including solid waste facility, CAFRA, Air Pollution, IPP for leachate discharge, operations and maintenance manual; updating the local district Solid Waste Management Plan to include waste acceptance from the proposed facility; preparation of an environmental and health impact statement; and bidding.

Project Gallery

RVE proposed a two-story facility, that will accommodate a 60’ x 120’ prefabricated building and 200 tons per day facility.

The project goal is to design and permit a 7,200+/- square foot permanent pre-engineered metal building for storage of solid waste, prior to transfer to the Township’s landfill.

The project is necessary for compliance with the NJDEP Technical Manual for Solid Waste Transfer Station/Material Recovery Facility Permits and Approval