KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Sewer Replacement & Rehabilitation Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA)

About The Project

Under Contract No. PM0004A18, The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) has procured a BOA with RVE to provide engineering services for the design of pipelines and manholes (assets) in the residential road Right-of-Way (ROW) Environmental Sensitive Areas (ESA) of WSSC service areas in Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties, Maryland. The designs are for: protection of exposed assets; repair, replace, rehab and relocation of assets; Natural Resources Inventory Plan (i.e., Forest Stan Plan, Forest Conservation Plan, Wetlands and its buffers impact maps); stream stabilization; access haul roads; and staging areas. The rehabilitation designs include CCTV review, field investigation and manhole inspection, traffic control design, permit identification, land surveying (for relocation of asset), rehabilitation recommendations, stakeholder’s notifications, the acquisition of Permits, preparation of Bid-Ready documents and Community Outreach documents.

Project Gallery

To date, RVE has provided rehabilitation designs for 20.09 miles of sewer mains consisting of various construction methods including pipe grouting, main lining, pipe bursting and open cut renewal.

Work in Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) includes tidal and non-tidal wetlands and wetland buffers, forests, roadside trees, specimen trees, floodplains, waterways, parklands, steep slopes, historical/archaeological sites, Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bay Critical Areas, and areas with rare, threatened, and endangered species.

Stream restoration design work (in the vicinity of sewer system assets) includes elements that help control erosion along the stream banks and regulate water flows/elevations.