KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Pennsauken Disconnect Project

About The Project

The project consists of the separation of storm and sanitary sewer systems at the High St. Drainage area of Pennsauken Township. The High St. Drainage Area is a combined sewer system with a maximum flow of 56 MGD. During normal operation conditions, most of the combined sewer volume within the High St. area flows to the High St. Pump Station, which has a capacity of 5.76 MGD. From the Pump Station, combined sewage is pumped through a 24” force main where it discharges by gravity to the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA) interceptor. During high intensity wet weather conditions, the volume of the combined flows exceeds the existing pumping capacity in the High St. Pump Station, thereby diverting approximately 52 MG of excess flow to the City of Camden’s combined sewer system, which is equipped with CSO outfalls discharging into the Delaware River. RVE provided engineering design services for preliminary and final design plans and specifications for the separation of storm and sanitary sewer, and disconnection of stormwater flow from the area of Pennsauken tributary to the High Street Pump Station and rerouting that flow to the Delaware River. The project entails converting an existing combined sewer pump station to a stormwater pump station including provisions for a new, adjacent wastewater pump station. RVE is designing the routing of the force mains from both pump stations as well as a stormwater outfall on the Delaware River. In addition, RVE will also design new “sanitary only” sewers in portions of Pennsauken where combined sewers currently exist.

Removal of wet weather flows from High Street Pump Station / System in Pennsauken to the Camden collection system is required to capture 85% by volume of wet weather flows during a typical year.

Between 2008 and 2012, RVE investigated the separation of sewers in the High Street Drainage Area of Pennsauken Township and in 2010 produced, as part of the Combined Sewer Separation Task Force, a report titled, “Conceptual Design Report for the Separation of Combined Sewers in the Township of Pennsauken”.

In November of 2021, RVE completed the planning investigation and produced a report providing the planning and conceptual design basis for the scope of this project to achieve goals of the CCMUA’s Long Term Control Plan.