KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

PennDOT Betsy Ross Bridge and Route I-95 Interchange – BR2 Ramps Project

About The Project

RVE is providing construction monitoring services for this project, which consists of the removal and replacement of seven bridges on the ramps at the I-95 and Betsy Ross Bridge (BRB) interchange. Work includes two new retaining walls, new long life concrete and warm mix asphalt pavement sections on I-95 shoulders and associated ramp mainlines, as well as drainage improvements, guiderail updates, highway lighting removal and replacements and asphalt mill and overlay that extends onto the Betsy Ross Bridge. During construction, our team monitors all construction activities performed by the contractor and subcontractors on-site. Weekly project progress and go/no-go meetings are conducted with the contractor and Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) personnel to review the work completed, upcoming schedule, submittals, Requests for Information (RFIs), quantities, issues and comments by all present stakeholders. We communicate daily with the DRPA and BRB staff regarding the status of the work in progress, material deliveries, scheduled closures, staging operations, material deliveries and status of any traffic control in place. The implementation of the Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) is constantly monitored and suggestions to change/alter the MPT plan are made to the contractor. Daily inspection reports and project records are maintained.

RVE acts as a liaison between DRPA, PennDOT and the City of Philadelphia, representing DRPA interests for work performed by PennDOT on DRPA property.

Maintenance and protection of traffic (MPT) is crucial to the success of this project, as it is located in a densely populated urban area with railroad, transit and commuter traffic.