KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Inspection of 110 Union County Owned Minor Bridges

About the Project

RVE performed condition inspection of 110 Union County Owned Bridges in various municipalities in northern Union County using National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS). This included an in-depth condition inspection of all the major components of the minor bridges including the roadway, deck, culvert, superstructure, substructure, waterway/channel, deck geometry and highway safety. Some of the bridges required confined space entry to inspect the structure and OSHA confined space entry requirements were followed. One of the bridges also required an underwater inspection by a NJDOT certified bridge inspection diver and all the bridges had soundings of the waterway performed and recorded. Each bridge was evaluated, and condition ratings were assigned to each major component. The bridge’s Structural Inventory and Appraisal Sheet (SI&A) and National Bridge Elements (NBE) were updated based on our inspections through the NJDOT Bridge Inspection Program, CombIS.

Project Gallery

A report of findings, ratings and recommendations were prepared using CombIS.

The report also included photographs of the bridges, sketches and stream bed profiles.

Proper notification of Emergency and Priority Repairs were conducted as necessary.