KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Inflow & Infiltration Abatement Program

About The Project

To comply with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Initiative to reduce Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) in the Neshaminy Interceptor, RVE developed a Comprehensive I/I Abatement Plan to outline the Township of Falls Authority's (TOFA) on-going efforts to reduce I/I in their system. RVE recommended a multi-year program of cleaning, televised inspection, pressure testing and chemical sealing of pipe joints, cured-in-place pipe lining repairs, manhole to manhole lining, and manhole inspection and rehabilitation. RVE designed the first project in 2008 and has designed and implemented projects almost every year. RVE measures the success of each project by monitoring the flows pre and post I/I work using temporary flow meters. To date, 75% of the collection system has been addressed. In addition to addressing the sewer mains, RVE investigated illegal lateral connections via lateral surveys, inspection/replacement of cleanouts, and determined sources of I/I via defective laterals. As part of their I/I Remediation Capital Improvement Projects, laterals are inspected to determine if repairs are required, and property owners are notified along with a copy of the lateral inspection report. Property owners are provided a certain amount of time to make the corrective repairs. This process ensures that the entire collection system in the project area is inspected and addressed to reduce I/I.

Project Gallery

The collection system consists of 309,000 linear feet of sewer mains from 8” up to 36” and 11 sewage pump stations.

The Authority transports approximately 3 MGD of sewerage, serving Falls Township, Bristol Township and Lower Makefield Township.

As of 2021, TOFA has rehabilitated over 300,000 linear feet of sewer pipe and inspected over 200 laterals since the lateral inspection program started