KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Improvements to Erie Union Station

About the Project

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) engaged RVE to assess and recommend improvements for Erie's Union Station building, currently owned by Logistics Plus and serving as their corporate headquarters, with field views conducted on various dates and inspections focusing on different areas. RVE developed an assessment report, conceptual plans, conceptual construction schedule and cost estimate necessary for improvements. Recommendations were provided to bring the station and parking lots up to code and meet any SHPO and PHMC requirements. The team completed a field assessment and submitted a report including recommendations, conceptual plans, construction schedule and estimate. The report identified existing conditions and recommendations to bring the building up to a state of good repair and code compliance. RVE also provided an assessment and recommendations for the exterior of the building, interior of the building, electrical and fire alarm system, plumbing, mechanical/HVAC. Parking requirements, traffic studies, site drainage/stormwater analysis and permitting assessment were all also addressed. RVE prepared and submitted the Draft Assessment report, including conceptual plans, design and construction schedule and estimate for PennDOT’s review. This included a priority list of repairs and/or upgrades that considered public safety and welfare, design and implementation costs and completion timeframes.

The priority list of repairs was formatted into a matrix to assist the Department with allocating resources in an efficient manner.

RVE coordinated a comment review meeting with PennDOT and prepared and maintained a comment register to track the disposition of each comment to ensure that each was appropriately resolved.

RVE prepared conceptual plans for recommended repairs and upgrades for submission with the assessment report.