KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Highway Turnback Project Old Main Street and South Liberty Street

About The Project

RVE was retained by the Borough of Blairsville to provide the full depth road reconstruction which included the replacement of an existing sanitary sewer line and addition of a storm sewer system. Specific issues addressed with the project included: removing of existing pavement sections and concrete curbing; base repairs as required; full depth reconstruction consisting of subbase, binder course and the placement of a wearing surface; replacement of curbing; side walk construction; sanitary and storm sewer construction; manhole and utility cover adjustments; site restoration; traffic control during construction and coordination with Blairsville Borough and residents during construction. Notice to Proceed with construction was given January 2020. The project is funded in part by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Borough of Blairsville.

Project Gallery