KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

GIS As-Built Stormwater System Mapping for NJDEP MS4 Compliance

About the Project

RVE is undertaking stormwater mapping services for the Township of Bloomfield in accordance with New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) guidelines and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandates to address groundwater pollution through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) regulations. The initiative involves mapping municipally owned or operated outfalls directly discharging into surface water bodies, with a focus on inspecting for bank erosion and illicit connections. Prioritized repairs are based on water classification, and data is posted using the NJDEP Electronic Submittal Service. Leveraging expertise in tax mapping and zoning information, RVE is updating the base map foundation and digitally mapping over 7,000 stormwater assets, including outfalls, inlets, catch basins and manholes. The project is divided into two phases: field data collection utilizing survey-grade GPS equipment, followed by processing into GIS mapping detailing location, elevation and attributes. Despite discovering nearly twice the anticipated number of assets, RVE is committed to mapping the system accurately.

Project Gallery

The final deliverable will be a comprehensive map meeting Bloomfield Township's specifications, submitted to NJDEP for MS4 compliance, and created using advanced technologies such as Autodesk AutoCAD and Esri ArcGIS.

RVE is digitally mapping over 7,000 stormwater assets, including outfalls, inlets, and catch basins, utilizing survey-grade GPS equipment and advanced GIS technologies.

Work also includes ongoing professional consulting engineering services, including analysis, modeling, identification of improvements and provision of a comprehensive report with recommendations for stormwater system enhancements in targeted areas designated by the Township.