KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

Baltic Avenue Drainage Canal Improvement Project

About The Project

Atlantic City recently completed major upgrades to the Baltic Avenue Drainage Canal. The canal is 1.8 miles long, has a storage capacity of 1.1 million cubic feet and drains approximately 775 acres of Atlantic City into the back bays. There are two outlets into the bay; one at Atlantis Avenue and one at Fisherman's Park. The original flood gates at both ends stopped functioning decades ago, allowing bay water to flow freely in and out of the canal. This caused tidal flooding through street drains during high tides. Furthermore, with bay water in the canal during storm events, there was limited storage for runoff from the street drains resulting in significant stormwater flooding. The system designed by RVE includes new flood gates at both ends of the canal, and a new pump station at Fisherman’s Park to increase drainage flow during flood conditions. By operating the flood gates, the City can keep high tides out of the canal, and help lower the water level in the canal prior to storm events. The pump station at Fisherman's Park includes two 250 HP pumps capable of discharging over 58,000 gallons per minute.

Project Gallery

Prior to our involvement, the City received construction bids in May 2014 totaling $8.5 million. Based on our review, RVE recommended the City redesign and rebid the project. We were authorized to proceed in August 2014 and completed the revised design on an expedited schedule in three months. Based on the bids received, our design modifications saved the City over $3 million – more than a 35% reduction in construction costs.

Connection of new canal sections to century-old canal structure. Retrofit new flood gate into existing canal at Atlantis Avenue. Unique outfall ramp for pump discharge at Fisherman’s Park. Rock scour hole for pump discharge at Fisherman’s Park. Dual flood gate bypass design for Fisherman’s Park pump station

First Place Award, 2018 New Jersey Society of Municipal Engineers Project of the Year Award, Category C. Municipal Construction Projects (Populations over 20,000)


Our Services

Our professional staff includes experts in the major areas of engineering required to support capital facilities and infrastructure improvements, land use planning and redevelopment, tax map maintenance, GIS database, environmental support services, resident engineering, construction inspection, owner’s representation, program management, technical and administrative support services.

Contact Us

RVE has grown to more than 450 employees in offices throughout the middle and south Atlantic regions of the United States. Get in touch today to find out about our services or career opportunities.