KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

About The Project

Dodson provided mechanical engineering services to Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh for the mechanical systems of the seven story, 83,000 square foot Andy Warhol Museum located in Pittsburgh, PA. The original historic structure was designed as a warehouse and was converted to a museum requiring strict temperature and relative humidity control. The museum’s architecture, as designed by Richard Gluckman Architects of New York, imposed significant constraints on the mechanical systems required to serve the building. All ductwork was confined to interior vertical chases or within the exterior walls. Very few spaces were provided with ceilings, and typical galleries were large open spaces with exposed overhead structure. Typical gallery air handling systems contain both particulate and gaseous phase air filtration in addition to primary steam humidifiers, and each gallery has independent temperature and relative humidity control.

Project Gallery

The original historic structure was designed as a warehouse and was converted to a museum requiring strict temperature and relative humidity control.

Each gallery has independent temperature and relative humidity control.