KMJ Consulting Joins RVE

0.50 MGD Water Reclamation Facilities Expansion

About The Project

RVE provided comprehensive design and construction shop drawing review services for the 0.5 MGD Water Reclamation Facility Expansion project for the Logan Township Municipal Utilities Authority (LTMUA). When the project design was initiated in 2015, LTMUA knew industrial parks within the Township were being rapidly developed. Within the industrial parks were warehouses and food processing facilities which discharged wastewater with pollutant characteristics of higher concentrations than average wastewater. In anticipation of this additional flow, RVE designed the improvements that were constructed at the water reclamation facility on a narrow 70’ wide strip of land at the rear of the site. This project included the addition of 500,000 gallons per day of wastewater treatment capacity by the construction of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) tank 3, expansion of the equipment controls building, addition of a 1,500-kilowatt emergency generator and a new electrical service with associated electrical switchgear and transformer. With three operational SBRs, the ability to feed at least one SBR at any one time reduces the detention in the plant’s equalization tank. This is meaningful during wet weather events. The key aspect for the entire project was RVE involving New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) personnel early in the design/permit application process

Project Gallery

The final payment value was $231,326.81 less than the awarded contract price. The LTMUA considers the final contract price being substantially less than the awarded contract price to be an outstanding achievement by RVE.

Based on consideration of both environmental and operational aspects discussed at a meeting of project stakeholders, the NJDEP favored locating the proposed SBR near the existing two SBRs. The main reason for the tank placement in this location was the existing tanks extend 17 feet above grade; therefore, the NJDEP was concerned an additional taller freestanding above grade tank would pose a danger to any low flying eagles known to habitat the area.

Contributes to the overall public health of the served communities while meeting the treatment capability demand from large industrial parks containing food producing manufacturers

From an energy standpoint, all the motors used were high efficiency and all lighting, from utilization for control panel indication to site lighting, used LED long lasting lights.