Two RVE projects were recently honored by The Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey (CIANJ) and COMMERCE…
RVE has been appointed the Stormwater Engineer to the Warminster Municipal Authority. Vanessa Nedrick, PE, MSEM will…
This year RVE employees reflected on 2021 Black History Month’s theme of “Black Family: Representation, Identity and…
RVE welcomes Joseph Pegnetter, PE as a Project Manager in the firm’s Infrastructure Design Group. Joseph has 28 years…
We are pleased to welcome Stephanie Cuthbert, PE, CME to the firm’s executive leadership team as RVE’s latest…
RVE is providing construction management and construction inspection services for the Resurfacing and Safety…
RVE received a Distinguished Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) New Jersey Engineering…
RVE was recently recognized as one of the 2020 Top 50 Trenchless Engineering firms by Trenchless Technology Magazine.
RVE was proud to be among the virtual exhibitors at the 105th Annual New Jersey State League of Municipalities…